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Pedir um Café em Inglês

Pedir um Café em Inglês: Diálogo entre Cliente e Garçom ☕

**Customer:** Hi there! Could I get a coffee, please?

**Waiter:** Of course! What type of coffee would you like? We have espresso, cappuccino, latte, and americano.

**Customer:** I’ll go with a cappuccino, please.

**Waiter:** Great choice! Would you like to add any flavored syrup or just keep it plain?

**Customer:** Just plain, please. No syrup.

**Waiter:** Got it. And for the size, would you prefer small, medium, or large?

**Customer:** Medium, please.

**Waiter:** Sounds good. Would you like anything else to go with your coffee?

**Customer:** No, just the cappuccino. Thanks a lot!

**Waiter:** Alright, your cappuccino will be ready in just a moment.

**Customer:** Perfect, thank you!

**Waiter:** You’re welcome! Just to double-check, would you prefer more milk foam or less?

**Customer:** Just the regular amount, nothing too much.

**Waiter:** Excellent. I’ll make sure it’s balanced just right. If you need anything else later, feel free to let me know.

**Customer:** Will do. Thanks again!

**Waiter:** My pleasure! Your order will be ready in a few minutes.

Pronto para pedir seu café em inglês da próxima vez que estiver em uma cafeteria internacional? ☕

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