Languages for Specific Purposes

Languages for Specific Purposes

Versatil Idiomas


The goal of speaking another language fluently is the most desired by those who study languages, however, there are also people who aim at reading and understanding texts and technical articles in their field quickly and effectively. That's where the magic of the studies for Specific Purposes takes place.

In undergraduate and postgraduate courses, whether in Brazil or abroad, it is necessary to read a high number of academic texts. The more effective the reading, the greater the understanding of the subject. For master's degrees, English is required for entering or completing the course. For the Doctorate, it is also necessary to pass proficiency exams in another language..

There are many academic texts in our own language, but there are also endless sources of search in other languages. In the field of Medicine, for example, most of the scientific articles are in English. In IT, reading in English is also paramount. Although there are many translation features today, they are still inaccurate.

At Versátil, courses of Languages for Specific Purposes are taught by teachers experienced in this approach. These courses prepare you for master's and Doctorate proficiency exams held by the most renowned colleges. There are hundreds of students in our portfolio who have entered the postgraduate courses of USP, UNIFESP, Einstein, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, the Federal University of Paraná, among others. Not to mention that not only in English, but also in Spanish, French and Italian

But how to prepare for such specific skills?

Practice is as paramount for reading and comprehension skills as it is for speaking. There are specific courses for these purposes – these are courses of Languages for Specific Purposes.

How do the courses of Languages for Specific Purposes work?

These courses offer specific techniques that provide the student with a more agile reading, but not less effective. Approximately 60% of written texts in English consists in 250 of the most frequent words in language. Learning these words is already part of the training.

Skimming and scanning, besides other strategies, are taught. These techniques help the students to better manage their time, a great challenge in proficiency exams.



To move quickly over something.

This reading technique is used when time is limited, and one needs to have a general ideia of the text.

It is used for those who need to read many texts at once and do not have quality time to do so.



This reading technique is used to identify specific facts or pieces of information without reading all the words in a text.

It is used to find sources and quotes in a university paper, for example.

Versátil Idiomas prepares and holds proficiency exams that are valid in federal universities, such as UNIFESP, UFP, UFF, among others. We offer the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam to approximately 100 students per month.

Whether your goal is to pass a master's or Doctorate entrance exam, a public selective exam or even Enem, reading comprehension in a foreign language is required. Lessons with clear and specific objectives and planning will help you achieve your goal.

Testimonials from our students

Todas as vezes que precisei vocês foram super rápidos e resolveram de imediato tudo o que foi solicitado. Não conhecia a escola. Mas fiquei muito feliz.​
Faço questão de registrar o quanto gostei das aulas. O professor foi super didático e paciente. Percebeu logo as minhas dificuldades e buscou trabalhar em cima delas. Fez diferença no preparo para a prova​.

Caroline Cabral de Azevedo​
Doutoranda em Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica

Fiz aulas com o professor Valdo e foi super bom!!! A escola me direcionou bem!!! Vc foi ótima com suas orientações e deu calma para fazermos a prova!!! Super indico vcs!!!

Valeria Mozetic Barros
Doutoranda em Saúde Baseada em Evidências


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